Rooted, Known, Loved



The daily cycle of prayer, scripture, and song, and the seasonal rhythms of the Christian year, tune children’s hearts to hear God’s voice and writes their lives into God’s great story of redemption. Reading good literature, studying history chronologically, learning to observe the created world, and perceiving the order and beauty of mathematics anchors students in the great tradition.


Children are persons, created in God’s image, dignified and precious. Authentic teaching and learning is personal and relational. This begins with being welcomed each day by teachers and informs everything we do from designing classroom instruction to nurturing school culture.


Students and their families are connected to devoted teachers and staff, and through the school, to a network of volunteers and mentors from the host church community. We have high expectations for student learning and behavior, but also nurturing supports to ensure that children grow in the habits of heart and mind that will enable them to meet those standards.